
Careers and Pathways Program

Students at Lalor Secondary College have access to a highly structured and intensive Careers Counselling Program. We are committed to offering our students the best possible support and guidance through our program, involving the development of individualised Careers Action Plans. Students in senior levels received individualised support with subject selection and deciding on post secondary pathway options. This program ensures that all students at Lalor Secondary College receive the appropriate support, information and education regarding the many post-secondary pathway opportunities.

The Lalor Secondary College Careers Website is an online up to date tool that students can access at any time on any of the programs, sessions and assistance available to our college students.

Careers Website:

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Careers and Pathways Coordinator

All students at the college have access to a full-time Career / Pathways Coordinator to assist with course and career planning. Students in Years 9-12 participate in interactive, informative and relevant careers related activities and interviews. In addition to this, a number of presentations from guest speakers and careers focused excursions are organised to provide students with the maximum opportunity to learn about the many University, TAFE and employment options available to young people.

Year 12 students are especially supported to prepare for university and TAFE entry and receive extensive support. Assistance and advice is provided regarding tertiary course selection, Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) applications, Scholarship applications and change of preference after ATAR scores are released.

A highlight of the Year 10 calendar is Work Experience. This program is coordinated by the Careers Team and all students are assisted to secure appropriate placements. A record of each student/Careers Team contact is maintained and reviewed regularly, this details all careers assistance that is provided and is used for future planning.

Careers and Pathways Team

The Careers and Pathways coordinators office is located in the College Wellbeing Area.

The Careers Team is available to meet with students and parents to discuss specific needs and pathway possibilities. To arrange an appointment please call the school on 9463 7300.

The Careers Office has a range of resources available for student perusal. Items such as tertiary guides, online careers tests, pamphlets and worksheet are all available to assist in the post-secondary decision making process.


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