Instrumental Music

At Lalor Secondary College we currently offer instrumental music lessons on the following instruments:

  • Woodwind: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone (Alto and Tenor)
  • Brass: Trumpet, Trombone
  • Strings: Violin, Cello
  • Guitar (acoustic and electric)
  • Bass Guitar
  • Drums
  • Piano/keyboard
  • Voice

These lessons are available to students across all year levels who express an interest in learning as well as demonstrating a commitment to the program. Lessons are taken in small groups that are held at different times each week to minimise disruption to other subjects. To apply, fill out the form below.

Students are encouraged to participate in lunchtime ensembles to enhance their playing and develop their musicianship. These include, and are not limited to, Jazz Ensemble, String Ensemble, Rock Bands at each sub-school, Polynesian Vocal Ensemble and other student led groups.

Regular performances throughout the year allow students to showcase their hard work to the school community. These performances include end of term/semester assemblies, Mid-Year Music Concert, NWVR School of Rock, Multicultural Concert and Musical Productions (biennial performances), Spring Concert and end of year program, as well as any other special events that occur throughout the year.

Learning a musical instrument helps you: 

  • utilise every part of the brain
  • increase your memory and improve concentration
  • improve literacy and numeracy skills
  • reduce stress, anxiety and depression
  • develop physical skills and coordination
  • learn about responsibility, patience and perseverance
  • boost self-esteem and build confidence
  • develop an appreciation for music and cultivate creativity
  • improve time management and listening skills
  • nurture a sense of community

Further benefits of learning a musical instrument are well studied. For more information click here. 

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