From the Principal

“At Lalor Secondary College we understand the important role we play in our students lives.”

We recognise our responsibility in building the capacity of our students to help them become socially responsible members of our community. The college promotes academic excellence, with students striving to improve in a caring environment, where they are supported to reach their full potential. 

Student Voice is valued within our college strengthening our students’ sense of social responsibility, for themselves, their peers and our community. 

Our extra-curricular programs are extensive, including leadership, various clubs, interstate excursions, sports programs, community programs, peer support and whole school productions. 

Our welfare and discipline support structure is a central part of student programs and ensures the wellbeing needs of all students are being met. Our Student Code of Behaviour details the rights and responsibilities of students, parents and teachers, providing consistent decision making and processes to all key stakeholders. 

We value and welcome our parent contributions and support, and are proud that Lalor Secondary College is recognised as a school who is providing a quality educational program to the communities of Northern Melbourne. 

Mr. Corey Jewell
College Principal

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