How to Enrol

Conditions of Enrolment

Click the link below to download a 2025 application for Year 7 to 12 enrolment.

Enrolment applications can be submitted at the general office or via the school email

Any queries should be directed to the general office at (03) 9463 7300.

We have very clear enrolment guidelines to manage the enrolment procedures of students wishing to attend the college.

The school has been granted an enrolment ceiling for Year 7 Enrolments by the Northern Metropolitan Region to assist in managing student enrolment from 2015 onwards.

Right of Entry

A student residing with a parent or legal guardian in the neighbourhood area has the right to attend Lalor Secondary College – “resident” is defined as living in a home that is:

  • Owned by the parent or legal guardian
  • Under purchase by the legal guardian
  • Leased for at least 12 months by the parent or legal guardian

(Evidence for the above may be required – for example a lease notice, rates notice or driver’s licence)

The term “legal guardian” is defined as a person who has full legal responsibility for the student, not a person with whom the student is staying for a period of time.

Your designated neighbourhood area can be found on the find my schools website

For the purpose of determining distances, the General Office will be considered the college’s base point for enrolments.

Sibling and Family Claims

There is no automatic sibling claim but “wherever practical” a student should be enrolled at Lalor Secondary College if an older brother or sister, who lives permanently at the same address, attends the college.

There are no family claims for cousins and friends who may reside temporarily or permanently with Lalor Secondary College students.

2025 Year 6 to Year 7 Enrolment Timeline

For Students attending Government Primary Schools

Students attending Year 6 in a government primary school are provided with a transition package in April by their current Primary schools. Once the Application for Year 7 Placement Form is completed, parents return this to the primary school who will then forward it on to the secondary school listed as the first preference.

For Students attending Catholic and Independent Primary Schools

Parents of students attending Catholic and Independent primary schools in Year 6 can collect the Year 6 to Year 7 Transition: Application for Year 7 Placement 2025 form the general office or download the Application Form from the website.

This form needs to be submitted by 4 pm, 10 May 2024. Parents may email or post the completed Year 7 2025 Enrolment Inquiry Form directly to the Enrolments Officer, Lalor Secondary College, 118 David Street, Lalor 3075.

Priority of Enrolments For Year 7

Where there are insufficient places at a school for all students who seek entry, students are enrolled according to the Placement Policy’s priority order of placement, which has six criteria. Schools ensure that all applications eligible under a criterion have been offered a place before moving to consideration of the next. All students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school are guaranteed a place. The priority order of placement is as follows:

  1. Students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school
  2. Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time
  3. Where the Regional Director has restricted the enrolment, students who reside nearest the school
  4. Students seeking enrolment on specific curriculum grounds
  5. All other students in order of closeness of their home to the school
  6. In exceptional circumstances, compassionate grounds

If necessary, the College enrolment policy will seek to redress gender imbalance where one gender will represent more than 53% of the Year 7 population in any given year.

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