Reports & Planning

Annual Implementation Plan

The school annual implementation plan describes how the key improvement strategies in the school strategic plan and other significant projects will be put into operation over the four years of the strategic plan. Annual implementation planning assists schools to:

  • Plan and communicate their work for the coming year and how this will lead to achieving the goals and targets in the strategic plan.
  • Ensure efficient and effective allocation of resources to complete the work.
  • Monitor progress and success.

The school’s annual implementation plan informs the development of principal class, staff performance and development plans.

  • Click here to view the Annual Implementation Plan.

Annual Report

The purpose of the school annual report is to inform parents and the wider school community of the school’s successes, activities and achievements throughout the year, based on student data related to NAPLAN, Victorian Curriculum, VCE, Attitude to Schools Survey as well as other data sets.

The Annual Report was made available to the school community at the Annual General Meeting.

Strategic Plan

The school strategic plan sets out the schools strategic direction for the next four years, including the schools goals, targets and key improvement strategies. It informs the development of the schools Annual Implementation Plan and these documents should be read simultaneously to gain an insight into the overall plan for the college. The strategic plan was developed via a thorough whole school review process that was undertaken in 2022. This included a complete self-evaluation around the previous strategic plans goals and targets, as well as gathering the opinions of parents, students and the wider school community. This led to a report being constructed highlighting the schools strengths, as well as focussing the school on some clear areas for improvement. All of these processes have been directed by the Department of Education and Trainings Framework for Improving School Outcomes (FISO).

Our school has two clear goals over the next 4 years:

  • To maximise student achievement and learning growth across all key learning areas.
  • To build students as active and responsible learners.

The school strategic plan outlines the FISO areas of focus and key improvement strategies over the next 4 years that will address the goals listed.

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