Subjects & Handbooks

Lalor Secondary College is committed to providing a structured and engaging curriculum that promotes higher academic standards and challenges students to achieve their best. To meet the specific needs of the Lalor school community, a wide range of core and specialist subjects are offered.

Subjects are undertaken through a number of Key Learning Areas:

  • English, including English as an Additional Language (EAL)
  • Mathematics, which encompasses a differentiated program where students are placed in classes based on their ability in Year 7-10
  • Science
  • Health and Physical Education (HPE)
  • Humanities, consisting of History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, and Economics and Business
  • Arts, which includes the Visual and Performing Arts
  • Languages including Vietnamese, French, Greek and Macedonian
  • Technology, which includes Food Technology, Product Design & Technology and Digital Technologies.

At the junior and middle years, Lalor Secondary College offers a comprehensive curriculum based on the Victorian Curriculum. At the senior years, students can choose their specific pathway in their study of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Vocational Education Training (VET) subjects and/or the Vocational Major (VM). These provide students with numerous pathways to success once Secondary schooling is completed.

It is essential for all parents/guardians and students to access the relevant year level handbooks to make well-informed decisions about individual subject choices. Additionally, attending year level information evenings is highly recommended. These sessions provide valuable insights into subject selection and help explore potential future pathways.

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